The 10 Weakest Things Men Say These Days
(And Think They’re Okay to Say!)

This list is a collection of modern ramblings of weak, passive, squishy men. These quotes I've heard a thousand times, put in a thousand different ways. They are weak, kowtowing murmurs that sabotage the plight of the man using them, while simultaneously letting me know which males around me never had their balls drop.

Saying #10: "I Hate My Job"

Yup, I’m going to go off about this one again.

If you don't like your job, QUIT it.

You can't quit, you say? Why not? Oh, because it helps you feed your family and pay your bills?

Sounds to me like that job's doing more for you than anyone else, no? Maybe a little gratitude's in order?

If you know you're capable of more, then do it! After your 10-hour shift, why aren’t you putting 4-6 hours into your new job/skill/business?

Don't have the time? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you didn't have the same 24 hours a day like the rest of us, my bad.

#9: "REAL Men Cry"

Oh, do they, you little bitch? Is that little habit part of the recipe, you say?

I call bullsh*t. Why? Because some men cry...and some just don't.

In my Bucket Model video series (Video #4, to be exact) I break down exactly what crying is and what function it serves. For that matter, every other video in the series explains exactly why someone needs, or doesn't need, to cry in the first place.

Any man that would champion the act of crying as a necessity of manhood is a man that would have his brothers duly unprepared for the trials and tribulations of life and mission.

Some men will certainly find themselves in scenarios where crying is the only reasonable way out, but as we get stronger those scenarios are to be fewer and further between!

#8: "I Get Laid ALL The Time"

Or some other semblance of this bullsh*t.

Gents, if you're measuring your status and/or sense of self-worth by how many women you convince to have sex with you, you're nothing more than a slave.

How so? Simply, it's up to women how accomplished you feel.

Not your brothers. Not your Tribe. Not your reputation, work ethic, creativity, courage, honor, productivity, consistency, benevolence, etc...

hese mental slaves are weak but will often hide it some sort of "cool guy" finish that masks their true understanding of their inability to impress impressive men.

You know how gets laid all the time? Married men. It grants them the ability to have children, build a bond with the woman who's dedicated her life to nurturing them, and it's still a sh*t ton of fun!

Making promises to women that you'll break, or cajoling vast numbers of women of low value into the sack does not the strong man make!

#7: "REAL Men Don't Need a Gun!"

"Of all evil I deem you capable: Therefore, I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Tell 'em, Freddy!

Any man who would utter such nonsense is the weakest of men when put against the backdrop of history. The most formidable men throughout history have always been tasked with overcoming the most daunting of challenges.

Having a gun solves every problem that not having a gun creates...and then some.

Most who condemn the use of firearms are those who either have no stomach for violence, have no relationship with firearms, or are just regurgitating what impresses the most lesbians and cuckolds.

REAL men would only use a firearm in those instances when they are needed. Any who would not use them in such a situation is nothing more than a coward. I hope every one of my enemies, my tribe's enemies, and my country's enemies believe that real men don't use firearms!

And that should tell you something!

#6: "I Can't Train Martial Arts Because _______”

I've heard this story a thousand times in countless ways:

You have the jackoff who watches other men fight, talks about the fighters like a cheerleader at homecoming, but will never set foot inside a training space to do the thing.

They give excuses like:

  • I don't have the money
  • I'll flip out if someone touches my face
  • That's too expensive
  • I'll just shoot anyone that f*cks with me
  • That sh*t's too gay (Like what's "gay enough" then, right?)
  • I already know how to fight
  • Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

You know why you don't train? Because you're a P*SSY.

It doesn't have to be more complicated than that. You simply lack the commitment to become the man every ancestor you've ever had struggled to grant you the opportunity to be.

You're soft. That's it. Nothing more. You're too emotional to handle getting your ass kicked in training? Training will solve that. You don't have the discipline to put away enough money to support your school? Training will handle that. You think a gun will solve every violence need you may have? Training will fix that. You think practicing violence with a brother is "gay"? Well, if you can't train violence with a brother without popping a woody that ain't got sh*t to do with training. Stay home!

The BEST students I've ever had are the ones that show up like Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu. Ready to learn and willing to move the earth to do it!

There is no reason to not become a more formidable man. Only excuses!

#5: "I Need to Ask the Boss (Wife) First"

Your wife is not your boss. Unless you're a c*nt, of course.

Bosses not only have the authority over those in their charge, but they also bear the responsibility and along with it, the accountability. This is where the weaklings crap the bed.

To defer any degree of authority to anybody where you and you alone are on the hook for the outcome is weak, passive cowardice.

Like anything else, becoming a better man is a process of getting "better man reps" in your day-to-day hustle and bustle. Taking those opportunities and passing them off to anyone is weak. To pass it off to your wife is weaker, still.


While you're thrusting your wife into the decision-making process in the matters of men, she is not only unable to focus on the things that matter (like kids and the home), but worse yet, you remind her with every bowing down that she married some indecisive, weak, LARP'er of masculinity.

If you can't make a strong call when needed and need your wife's approval/permission to do so, maybe she should be looking for a better man in the first place.

#4: "Violence Is Never the Answer"

I was debating whether to list this one or save it for a "Most Retarded" list in the future, but this is also as weak as it gets.

Any man that would espouse his non-belief in the utility in violence is not only in denial of how his ass got here in the first place, but ironically is usually a cog in the violent machine of greater powers.

Never the answer? Hmm...Let me see. Have you ever:

  • swatted a mosquito?
  • eaten meaT
  • eaten fish?
  • eaten a plant?
  • used a man-made road?
  • worn non-artificial clothing?
  • paid taxes?
  • called the police?
  • punched someone in the f*cking mouth who deserved it!? (Ok, this one's a gimme)

There is violence intertwined in almost every aspect of our lives. Turns out, it's not only an answer, but quite often the best answer when building and maintaining a society like the one we all enjoy.

What these fragile little grubs should be saying is, "Violence scares the sh*t out of me, so let's just not do that...mmkay?"

Violence is the chaos that attacks order that is too weak to survive. Some of this is by design but most, as natural as sunshine on a beautiful spring day.

Sometimes there are more effective answers than the violent ones. In those instances, it would be wise to opt for them. Other times, however, demand a violent response because, in those instances, you are the order the universe is looking to end!

3: "Marriage Is for Suckers"

Ugh, where do I begin with this one? Suckers? No.

Marriage is for men who:

  • -want to have children in the strongest psychological/economic environment possible
  • -understand that sex, while a whole lotta fun, is best saved for a relationship that treats its consequences as blessings
  • -want to engage their natural challenge of providing for and protecting the next generation
  • -don't want to waste time having to court one woman after the other for the rest of their life while they could be doing more productive things

Suckers run from marriage because:

  • -it's difficult
  • -you give up independence for alliance
  • -you're on the hook to earn
  • -you're responsible for others
  • -sex is the only thing they value

I married my wife, Samantha, after knowing her for a month. We'll be married 19 years in the Spring and have 4 beautiful children to show for it.

Any man that would trade their version of what I have for money, cars, or a piece of ass is probably not worth the institution of marriage in the first place!


#2: "I Don't Care About Politics."

"Politics have no relation to morals"
- Niccolo Machiavelli

Politics is the participation in the social dynamics surrounding you. It isn't an opinion, nor is it a negation or rejection of individuality.

Any man that would reject "politics" declares himself a perennial child, opting to trade any sense of autonomy for the hope that life will be easy or, even more pathetically, strangers will like him. *gags*

A man needs to express his preferences amongst those around him to perform the task of being a man! He can NOT do the work necessary to protect and provide for his family in a hostile world without getting in the game. Any man that would tell you differently is looking for other, stronger men to take care of him and any in his charge.

Men, to be the best men, they can be, need to make use of every tool and opportunity in their grasp to crush their mission. Politics is as old a tool as a hammer!

#1: "Can't We All Just Get Along?"

No, my little cherub, we cannot.

Nietzsche felt compassion had little utility aside from increasing the suffering of the world...and I wholly agree.

When talking about the little Africans kids with the flies swarming around their heads, I often lead with how much I just don't give a f*ck about their plight and misfortune.

To explain further, I break down how however many "f*cks" I have, it's simply IMPOSSIBLE for me to give a f*ck about myself, and then everyone close to me, and moving out from have ANY F*CKS LEFT OVER by the time I reach them!

Those fragile manlets who espouse such nonsense just simply do not have the balls to say what they really mean: "Can everyone be nice to each other? I'm really scared of conflict."

Anything we've ever built of value has been forged in the fire of reality and all its hurdles and adversities by our violent hand. Aside from the useless exercise of pondering such a sentiment, it's a distraction from what really matters for me:. the growth of individual power in order to better invest in those within the wall!

Stay on Mission,


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