Nine Challenges Men Face Today

In our current state of ridiculousness worldwide, men are facing new versions of old enemies at a rate we've never seen. Through the power of media, emboldened by the addictions of modern technology, to the fragility bred into the safest, most comfortable people who've ever lived, WE MUST OVERCOME.

This list will share my Top 9 Challenges that facing today's Man.

Challenge #9: Your Body is Weak

There was a time when physical deficiency was a death sentence. That time has passed. Never has it been more acceptable to develop a physical condition that mimics disease and deterioration.

Like any once beneficial trait of humankind's lifestyle, what we no longer rely upon to live MUST be ritualized, that we can still benefit from the power it once supplied us organically.

Men and women used to be in great shape because they had to be to survive. There was never a society-wide appreciation of that physical development because they knew no other way to function.

Our bodies are incredibly weak now because our physical threats and need to hunt and gather are nowhere near what they once were. This is of great detriment to today’s man. We must dedicate ourselves to physical health, strength, and mobility.

Movement is Mandatory! Get off your ass and start showing some gratitude for the machine that brings you everything!

Challenge #8: You Have No Tribe

In my Power Program video series The Alliance Trivium, I break down what a man needs in order to fully pursue his life mission, aka purpose. Chief among these necessities comes in the form of Tribal Alliance, or "We" as "Me".

We've evolved relying on the benefits of Tribe. Our minds are programmed to leverage it. Our bodies crave its energy. Spiritually, we accept that we come from more, and fully expect one day to return.

Tribe has Power the disconnected call "secrets".

Today's Man has made a mistake thinking because food is abundant, and safety has been arranged so that he can flourish without the synergy of Tribe. Those who don't return to the Tribal path will perish because of life or legacy.

Challenge #7: Your State is Untrained

State: The sum and effect of your emotional, physical, and mental settings.

Your State is the process by which you will engage your circumstance.

When asked, most men I’ve spoken to have admitted that they’re at their best when their State is high and powerful.

I would then ask them which State they would choose to be in when life’s circumstances are at their worst. Following logic, all agreed that the worse the situation, the greater the need for a better State.

Is that how we usually operate? Unfortunately, no.

We tend to be in great States in great situations, and terrible States for terrible ones.

One of my favorite mindset reminders: There's NEVER a reason to be in a bad mood. Only the weak mind adds suffering to circumstance!

Challenge #6: You Are Addicted to Comfort

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials."


Comfort is a traitorous ally. Without the counsel of mission, comfort would just as soon addict you to vice than indicate the progress of a man. We live in a reality that disconnects us from the forces that molded and forged us into the powerful beings humans have become.

Those forces are born of adversity, and sometimes, even pain.

Today’s men so undeveloped their sense of purpose and quest for strength, that they would use the lessening of our greatest teacher to measure improvement. I'm no advocate for a perpetual life of pain being the idealized version of morality, but we are addicted to comfort in this modern, western society. It’s slowly and methodically killing the spirit of man. We've become so stress-averse that we've managed to convince ourselves that the worst thing one can do with a life is end it.

Know this: A life without pressure is a life without power.

You aren't going to live forever. Get after it.

Challenge #5: You Have Slave Standards

The slave mindset requires another's consciousness to be whole. These days we live in the "Like" and "Share" world of social media.

Never in history have people been beaten down by exposure to a culture built on the approval. This isn’t just the approval by others that they interact with daily, but the seeking the gain the phantom approval of those online (aka, complete strangers.)

What continues to fuel this degradation of personal power is that today's man has created a system of incentivization in the form of slave standards. Slave Standards are those that are designed to maximize acceptance., not morality. They strive for approval, not achievement.

What our standards should represent, above all, are those lines of commitment we shall not fall below in the pursuit of our own mission and the climbing of our own ladder.

This is the Master Mindset.

This is what Crushers do.

Challenge #4: Your Mindset is Fragile

Mindset: The Relationship your Consciousness has with Powerful Missions in the face of Pressure.

Your mindset is the path everything of worth in your life will rely on. Are you great in great circumstances, but terrible in terrible ones? If every pebble on your path makes you stumble, your mindset is fragile. If every distraction becomes detour, your mindset is fragile.

Adversity is fuel for a mindset's strength. What do you do to build yours on a regular basis?

Today's Man thinks the first rep should be the live rep. Today's man allows circumstance to dictate who he is or who he is to become.

The only things you should hope for in life are challenges and the strength to overcome them.

Crushers train for two fights every day: The one they're in and the one they plan to begin next.

Challenge #3: You Have No Mentor

In the last 10 years, I've spent over $300,000 learning from mentors in areas I've aspired to one day Master.

I've had Coaches (Multiple, in some cases) for:

·       Sales

·       Copywriting

·       System Design

·       Leadership

·       Powerlifting

·       Fasting

·       Weapons Training

·       Swimming

·       Website Design

·       Survival

·       NLP

·       Dog Training

·       Public Speaking

·       Real Estate

Additionally, I’ve probably have benefited from the guidance and insight of HUNDREDS of other allies who've invested in me, too.

The Master/Apprentice Model is THE Standard for transferring Mastery Formulas throughout history. The saying goes, "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” I'd say that they're also choosing to reinvent the wheel!

If you have a deficiency or are even just looking for guidance up a new ladder of development...GET A MENTOR!

When I look at my Pressure Process Coaching students, there isn't one who doesn't absolutely tower over me in some application of Power and Mastery, but they STILL understand the value of what my mindset and business insight can bring to their own missions!

I don't care if it's free, paid, or bartered- it’s important to understand that two of the biggest obstacles that CRUSHERS get passed are ego and inaction.

So, for YOU, leave your ego home and GET TO WORK!

Challenge #2: You Think Death is as Bad as it Gets

From the Old Norse poem, Hávamál:

The coward believes he will live forever

if he holds back in the battle,

But in old age he shall have no peace

Though spears have spared his limbs.

Without a Master's Standards, you'll forever cower from pressure and its corresponding pain like an animal trying to make it through another winter. It's believed the origin of the term standard comes from the phrase, "Stand hard!”, which was what was commanded of a flag bearer in war.

The phrase wasn't, "Just don't die, bud!" or even "Make sure no one burns it!" No, it wasn't about protecting the flag at all costs but, rather, protecting its presentation and what it stood for. So, too, do I look to stand hard when threatened with the pressures that would make cowards and victims of lesser men.

True men do not fear death, because we know it has nothing to do with any purpose a strength filled life pursues.

Challenge #1: You Have No Mission

How do you walk if you don't know where to go?  Some would say, "You just start walking.” Yes, that's exactly right, and that's exactly what so many men are reduced to in their lives.

Mission = The direction of one's "selfing."

Your Mission = Your Identity

What you do is who you are. How is it, then, that so many allow circumstance or (even worse) others' missions to determine our own?

Without the benefit of understanding concepts like balance, strength, and alliance, people are left with the SHADOW MISSIONS; missions that anchor themselves to metrics made valuable by the disconnected.

Do you think rich people don't kill themselves? Do you think drug addicts can't have six packs? Do you truly believe that weak losers can't have big houses or nice cars?

It's true that movement is not only mandatory, but infinitely more valuable than stagnation, BUT if we don't have a system to progress, evolve, and improve our mission, what makes you think life would ever be "good"?


Stay on Mission,


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