Top 10 Contradictions of the Modern Day Warrior

One could powerfully argue how many times in history were tougher than now, but I'll be damned if you can ever convince me that there was a time when men were weaker than they are today.

Somehow, rabble-rousing has replaced actual, functional masculinity. It's "Let’s talk about it", "Let’s post about it", or "Let’s blog about it", but these wannabe warriors NEVER seem to BE ABOUT IT. In this list, I'll describe the TOP 10 Contradictions of Today's Modern Day "Warrior Wannabes".

#10: I'm an Obese Warrior

Now's not the time for football, cold beer, and "remember when's", gentlemen.

Yes, today's man has succumbed like any other to one of the universal dynamics of capability and readiness: More Convenience equals Less Self-Power

  • The cars made us walk less
  • The computers made us work less
  • The fast foods made us cook less
  • The guns made us train less
  • The news made us think less
  • The porn made us love less
  • The pills made us deal less

If you're overweight, you should lose it. If you're a fat f*ck, you should lose it.

And if you if you say you can’t, I promise, you can, but you're an excuse ridden-bitch on top of being obese.

Be full of power, Brothers, not fat...or sh*t, for that matter.

#9: My Kids are Fat and Lazy


That was the battle cry of this video when I made it a couple of years back at one of my academy's promotion ceremonies. The message hasn't changed.

The parents of overweight and unmotivated kids fall into one of two camps:

1.       They worry about themselves at the expense of their kids’ development.

They want to be fit, train, eat healthy foods, look good at the club or on the beach...and they don't associate any of it to any standard they can instill in their children. Nope, these parents think kids are accidents and unfortunates, not the gifts they truly are.

2.       They're too weak to demand excellence in their kids’ efforts.

These parents have somehow convinced themselves that their kids can be hugged into the best people they can be. They think that love will prepare them for this cold, pressured world. The fact of the matter is that these parents are more selfish than the first group. They refuse to endure ANY discomfort or pressure to mold their children into fine and capable adults. You know, their job as parents.

Those two groups aside: You aren't off the hook, either, just because YOU may be a fat f*ck! (I wasn't ready for a bikini in that video, if you hadn't noticed)

It's bad enough you've no gratitude for all your opportunities to be healthy. For the love of protein, don't pass that ungrateful mindset on to them!

#8: I Gotta Ask “The Boss” First

If you need your wife to remind you to act like a man, it's only a matter of time before she realizes she should get rid of you (unless she's already realized it, of course.)

If your wife refuses the type of alliance that accommodates the fact that you're a man, you done f*cked up a long time ago. She either needs to realize that you’re the leader of the household or she should get the boot- kids or no kids.

"But, MC, I'm not a deadbeat dad, and kids need a strong male role mo..."

Let me stop you right there, Nancy-ass.

As far as the kids are concerned, they DO need a strong male figure in their lives… but that clearly isn't you, right?

The moment you allow for the dynamic of you as mule and your wife as boss, you're doing nothing but showing the kids how weak a man can be and your wife what a mistake she's made.

Now, settle down, those of you who think this type of thinking is archaic or obsolete. Frankly, you're part of the reason this world's going to hell in a hand-basket in the first place.

This type of thinking is not only functional but follows the formula that's existed since the dawn of man.


I don't care if your wife defers to you on negotiated positions, or even if she disagrees with almost every suggestion you make. The fact remains that YOU and YOU alone are accountable for your choices and every oath and obligation under the influence of those decisions.

You're not in control of your wife, nor should you need to be (shout out to all those emotional men who need an insecure, weak woman to feel like a man), but you will sideline your family's strongest protector the moment you pass your power on to someone else... your spouse included!

So, stop telling others that you have no power in your own home. Stop telling your wife that she must be the protector. Stop telling your kids that their mother chose a male instead of a man.

And for the love of the God, stop wishing someone else would slay the dragons in your life for you!


#7: I Hate My Job

Person: “I hate my job.”

Me: “Then quit.”

Person: “But I can't just quit. How am I going to pay my bills?”

Me: “You mean the job you say you hate helps you pay all your bills?”

Person: “Yeah, but...”

Me: “Sounds like you're fortunate to have the job, you ungrateful piece of sh*t.”

There are 24 hours in a day.

  • 8 hours of sleep leaves you with 16 hours left
  • 8 hours of work leaves you with 8 hours left
  • 2 hours of commuting leaves you with 6 hours left
  • 2 hours of cleaning and chores leaves you with 4 hours left
  • 4 whole­ minutes of banging your wife leaves you with 3 hours and 56 minutes left

WTF are you doing with all that extra time?

If you don't like your job, then get another one. They’re available out there. If you can’t get a job, MAKE another one with the skills you have. Just don't sit there and continually write a martyr sob story about how you’re the victim of some sort of cosmic conspiracy.

LEARN something, BUILD something, or for sh*t's sake...just DO something other than complaining!

You should only want what the universe says you deserve. Well, deserve more! Only weak minds add suffering to circumstance.

#6: I Give Bums Money

“Charity is virtue” … or so we’re told. But what exactly is charity?

Charity is the investment of resources to help another.

However, when you give that degenerate bum a dollar, who the f*ck do you think you're helping? THIS is where the hypocrisy's to be found. When you dole cash to a street beggar and post it on social media, the only person you’re helping is yourself, you virtue-signaling piece of sh*t! (Okay, I admit, I get a bit hot about this subject.)

A Warrior doesn't waste resources on strangers. He invests his resources, up to and including his own life, to empower his people.

Let me break it down...

Before a man gives a bum some money, did he first make sure he’s invested in EVERY member of his Tribe (the folks that count on him the most)? Did he set out to just give away money to some homeless people that day, or was he put in some sort of virtue trap where he just didn't have the spine to look someone in the eye and say no?

And where the homeless person is concerned, is that what he or she really needs to make a difference: One (1) measly dollar? Notice that most of the closet-narcissist bumfeeders you see never actually manage to go beyond the momentary awkwardness of the exchange. Why? Because they don't REALLY want to help that person; they just want the "hero points" that comes along with the charade. "Oh, you're such a good person,” says a nearby idiot that probably hopes to play by the same rules and get attention.

NO, you're not a good person. You're a liability to your group and society. Give EVERYTHING you have to your people and let the strength of the group lift their allies to new, unprecedented levels of success and personal empowerment.

Next time someone wanders up to you for the third day in a row claiming they need money for a Greyhound, just say, "Sorry, I have friends and family who need it.” If they argue, simple respond with, "Why should I give you my money instead of my family?"

This usually ends the conversation. If they say, “Because I'm hungry”, I respond with, "I'd rather let you starve then treat you like a worthless piece of sh*t." I have yet to ever have someone try to continue the argument by saying that they really are a piece of shit.

I’ll admit my approach is a bit rough, but it’s not cruel. Your job, even your duty, is to incentivize strength and power where those around you are concerned. Remind that bum of his or personal power, then get back to helping YOUR people!

#5: Risk is Only for Rule Breakers

At some point in recent history, men started believing that they could comply their way through avoiding risk. They wrap themselves in a blanket like a little kid at night because there's a monster under the bed. These kinds of men have knitted blankie of their own that they suffocate themselves in called “rules.”

I own a motorcycle, I’ve fought professional MMA, have swam in the ocean, and have allegedly even done 120mph on the Bronx River Parkway in a Mazda 323 in 1988. All my best experiences and stories involved some level of risk.

I have established a functional relationship with risk that I maintain daily.

The experts have all the examples of what acceptable risk is and have been all but glossectomied when talking about it recently. From the formulas designed to regulate speed limits, for example, to various calculations of accepted levels of mortality. i.e., “Does the cost to reduce the risk exceed the cost saved?” It’s a total fallacy to think that all risk can be brought to absolute zero.

We’re not dealing with the types of men that settled in the Wild West or won any wars here. Nope, we're dealing with the hypocrites who want to defy death by following orders.

Newsflash: You can’t be the victim AND the hero.

Any rules that we follow, whether they’re from ourselves or others) are ALWAYS arbitrary. It's just that some have cooler math attached to them than others.

As defined in Tribalnomics:

A warrior is an individual or energy that puts themself between harm and the energy or identities of the Tribe. It’s somebody, or at least the aspect of an individual’s identity, that has given an oath to the Tribe to “take on this job.” When harm presents itself, the warrior puts himself in its way.

It's not your job to be safe, Warrior. It's your job to look for the threat and, when it arrives, meet it at the wall.

#4: I’m a Warrior Because I Train with Weapons


Man, if I had a dollar for every time that I’ve heard this kind of idiocy.

Listen, in case you haven't read enough books written by great warriors, or if you've never seen the great martial arts movies of the 50's-80's. If you've taken on the role of the warrior as your own, you are the weapon! I don't care if it's coming from some Jiu Jitsu weirdo, wrestling manimal, or gun nut:


If you are the one whose job it is to protect your Tribe from a threat, you must train for EVERY possible threat imaginable. From mindset to physical mobility, firearms to street fights, or fixed blades to fitness, it's ALL part of the Warrior Lifestyle.

What happens today is that men who've been reared on leveraging sympathy for aquarium points have never experienced pressure past the level of a pillow fight. So, what do they do to "train"? They stick to what they're good at and avoid all opportunities to grow. They essentially become one-dimensional paper tigers. It's simply a man wanting his home to grow so he begins building his walls inward, but never ventures beyond them. That kind of man is both safe and small in his power.

Get out there, brother, every day and in every way. Find the holes in your game and fill them. Keep your eyes forward and show gratitude daily for the opportunities available to make you a more valuable warrior to your Tribe!

#3: I Don't Give a F*ck

We've all said the above, or some at least a version of it. (Shout-out to my Mormon followers!)

This is notion that there is something we don't care about but is not only off-base, but also damaging to our mindsets. Now, I don't mean the semantic ambiguity to be found in common sayings and figures of speech, but rather the lack of a measurement system that accurately calculates our total f*cks given.

When I say, "I don't care about the starving kids in Africa", what I'm pointing out isn’t some nihilistic sociopathy, but that I simply am not capable of having the bandwidth to deeply care about everything going wrong in the world. It’s not that I literally don’t care. It’s simply that my fucks are limited to my own life, my Tribe, and the things that are going on close to home.

Personal power comes from learning to recognize the limitations of our sympathy and delegating it appropriately.

A warrior's job is NOTHING if not to care about others. But caring about but who is where the rub lies.

Today's warriors have allowed themselves to be pulled into the aquarium's game of virtue signaling and using compassion as social currency. Don't fall for it, Brother.

Why not? Because we've got work to do and we need to never forget who those fucks are for!

#2: Emotions are for Pus*ies

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Emotion is the spice of life.

Emotions will add depth (or "flavor") to one’s experiences, but we can’t sustain ourselves on them alone.

Any wannabe warrior who thinks it's "tough" or "manly" to not have emotions is either immature, an imbecile, or some combination of the two. As a warrior, what force has more full leverage on your capability than the fiery heart that grows from the connection to your Tribe and duty? To feel about something is to connect to it beyond the scope and scale of your systems. These emotions are the very foundation of your preferences!

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Why?

The answer is that it is your preference, and no further explanation is needed.

However, if your preference (when presented multiple options) is to choose the one that makes you feel better over the option that gives you the best possible outcome is where emotions can go wrong in the first place.

Communication should never be used for catharsis unless you've delegated it for rational purposes.

Emotions aren't for pus*sies, Gents. Reacting emotionally to feel better instead of running the best formula available is where you become weak.

#1: I’m a Good Person

What does the word "good" mean to you?

Does “good” describe anything that:

  • Makes people feel good?
  • Doesn’t hurt anybody?
  • Makes you more money?
  • Actions or deeds that society says you should do?

I could go on, but my point is that most people have zero idea what their moral compass should be based on in the first place!

Truth: What is “good” is that which empowers the Tribe. It’s that simple. Point blank, period.

The biggest hurdle for most people these days is that they've no idea who their Tribe even is, therefore, they have no way to even begin to assess whether something helps them or not. The logic follows, then, that the priority should be figuring out who your Tribe is first, then begin to take inventory of those things around you that can help push your Tribe climb the ladder.

If you don't help your Tribe, you can never be good.

You're probably tracking the society-scaled variables more than the average dude, but please don't underestimate the drive and efficacy of corporations to transform you into a consumer. Their bottom line increases the more you lose your individuality. Taking away one’s individuality is the fastest and easiest way to separate them from their Tribe. One’s given Tribe, of course, is the vehicle that will remind someone who they are when life has them turned upside down at times.

Being good by society’s current standards is simply staying red-pilled in the corporate matrix world we live in.

“Being good” is helping you and yours first and last, with all other alliances hanging out in the middle.


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